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to Attacks on Christina and her Mission
Notice of Misleading & Uniformed Attack
Statement of October 2014
Read More

Horrendous Lies against Christina to be probed by Solicitors
Supt Patrick Doyle, head of the Westport Garda District, confirmed that the DPP has decided that legal proceed-ings should not be initiated against Christina Gallagher
Statement of Sept 2014
Read More

Vindictive Attack by the Sunday World is REVEALED for what it is
March 2014 Read More

The People Respond to REPEATED Attack by Sunday World on Christina Gallagher
26th Nov 2013

The People Respond to the Stalking of Christina Gallagher
12 Nov 2013
Read More
Response to The TV3 Midweek programme
26th Sep 2011


Statement released from spokespersons for the House of Prayer Achill at the time of the first showing of the TV3 programme on 26th November 2011. The programme has since been repeated many times.
Monday 26th November 2011
TV3's Midweek Programme
the usual exercise of propaganda and dishonesty against the House of Prayer
TV3's "Midweek" programme, the usual exercise of propaganda and dishonesty against The House of Prayer
This report is to place on record the facts from the side of spokespersons for The House of Prayer Achill regarding the efforts they made to fully and openly engage with TV3 during the days before the programme was scheduled for broadcast. We are not in the least surprised that TV3 finally declined our offer and availability and at the last moment cynically refused to include any participation from our side in the programme.
Naturally, as we sought to engage responsibly, it was felt prudent to include legal advice since we were dealing with an entity that employs the underhand tactics of hidden cameras and microphones as well as deception and lies”, when none of such was necessary.
Senior spokespersons for The House of Praye Achill, working in contact with Christina and Fr McGinnity, continually and sincerely sought to reach agreement with TV3’s production and legal team from 23rd Sept through the weekend following , offering to meaningfully participate and in advance of the programme to fully address all questions etc. from the TV3 team. Spokespersons for the House of Prayer were left for a period of 22 hours waiting for TV3 response.
All these efforts were finally in vain when after several delaying tactics, TV3 finally declined to agree the reasonable terms and conditions we sought, including being shown any finally edited material prior to broadcast, and the assurance that material given from our side would not be tampered with prior to the broadcast.
As already stated, we are not surprised that TV3 could not allow fairness and balance into what was just another black-propaganda exercise…and after all, when was Christina Gallagher or spokespersons for The House of Prayer EVER given the slightest level of fairness and honesty in what has been a vile media campaign of insults, vilification, mockery and lies now well into its 5th year?
In hindsight it is clear that TV3 never intended to allow the truth to be represented by inclusion of statements from our side. Such was the nature of the pathetic programme, any such inputs would have totally contradicted and derailed their cheap efforts to represent lies and sensation.
However, although expected, it was nevertheless sad to see a national TV channel descend to the depths of a gutter tabloid ….remarking, as they did, "We can do what we like because we have the licence" which is reminiscent of the words of Michael McCrory, (the instigator of the campaign against Christina Gallagher) as he described the Sunday World...“ a tabloid newspaper of ill-repute, willing to publish lies, and not concerned about proof”…(M.McCrory, March 2007).
We will comment further upon the damage and danger caused by the incitement to hatred and the effect this has had upon Christina’s life.
Questions and Issues about Christina Gallagher and House of Prayer Achill
QUESTIONS and ISSUES which would have been dealt with had TV3 permitted participation by the spokespersons for The House of Prayer:
• It would have been clearly stated that Christina Gallagher NEVER was involved in “fortune-telling”, and it would have challenged those faceless accusers to come out in the open with any evidence or proof of such.
• She is NOT a “healer”; she has NEVER claimed to have healed anyone but through Our Lady's intercession, many have been healed when Christina prayed with them -only to prove the authenticity of her work and mission.
• How the allegation of wealth and ownership of multiple properties is totally false, explaining again the total separation of the Houses of Prayer in USA and Mexico, put in place by the free choice of the people there and are in a Charitable Trust in which Christina has no responsibility and from which she has never benefited.
• It would have been explained how there were names of some people from Ireland registered there at the outset to allow the efforts in the USA become established and only until the relevant individuals with the required skills were put in place, at which point all Irish resigned, and it would have been shown that none of those ever received any fees or benefits for their temporary and necessary roles.
• How regarding other properties, and despite the facts being many times explained publicly, the media persists in its false reports…for example
how the house in Malahide, so much publicised and exaggerated, was provided for Christina to be a place of safety and refuge for her when she was hounded by media at her home in Knockmore peering into and photographing her very bedroom trying to make cheap ornaments appear expensive! and how the house in Malahide is now also seriously needed to ensure she is close to hospitals due to her state of health and many illnesses.
How the modest home near Newport Co Mayo was acquired by Christina solely funded by royalties from sales of her own books.
How later , when she sold that house, she donated -as she was entitled to do- the proceeds of the sale to her daughter who then bought a home near Ballina which has also been crudely targeted.
Indeed, not only Christina’s daughter, but also her son and husband were the victims of vilification and invasion of privacy… Brendan’s house also being stalked by the The Sunday World which sought to question his ability to purchase such without receiving his mother's help….DESPITE the fact that he is part of a successful plumbing company which he shares with his father. Those crude, immoral comments by the Sunday World sought to damage Brendan’s reputation and put his livelihood at risk, but also displayed the vile nature of the that so-called “journalist” striving to cause pain and distress to all the innocent members of Christina Gallagher’s family.
And lastly, when Christina’s privacy and safety in Malahide were destroyed, and her life was being threatened, how the Fraternity decided to provide Christina with a fund to enable her to procure an alternative home in safety and privacy, doing this in a completely transparent and legal way with every donation being formally signed off for that purpose and most specifically for Christina to use as necessary, which explains the house in the UK.
• How her very life has been endangered, and threats received arising from the defamation and vilification published by the Sunday World newspaper.
• How The House of Prayer is NOT a cult and how totally the prayers and devotions which take place there are in absolute conformity with the Catholic Church.
• It would have been emphasised how those people who attend The House of Prayer are dedicated Catholics, active in their own parishes and are a most joyful and relaxed mixture of people of all ages and professions. In particular it would have been stressed how the utter freedom and relaxation surrounding these people resoundingly demonstrates the complete absence of any features remotely reminiscent of 'cult'! and, furthermore, how unaffected most of these people are from the fears and worries that are sweeping through the whole world as society disintegrates (as Christina already prophesied in the currency breakdown, the stockmarket collapse and the formation of the one-world bank -all now taking shape)
• How Christina’s work as a victim soul began, how she has been chosen to deliver God’s message, the special gifts she has been endowed with by The Holy Spirit including the gift of prophecy.
• How Christina’s messages to the world have been upheld by many miracles and how, through the intercession of Our Blessed Lady at The House of Prayer, over 700 testimonies of healings, conversions, vocations, and blessings of every kind have been received by people from Ireland and many other countries, to uphold the reality of Christina's mission.
What a wonderful opportunity for TV3 to at least begin to tell the incredibly painful, but massively uplifting story of Christina’s life and just for once, to allow a little bit of truth and fact to be reported about Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer and the very special Blessing and Graces which are to be found there by those who go there with a sincere heart.
It has been almost laughable that TV3 would conclude their botched programme giving the impression that there would be a “later programme produced involving participation from The House of Prayer.”
In light of how they have performed by disallowing us to participate and by the slander they permitted to be broadcast, we could not now have trust in them or encouragement to go forward -as we had been prepared to do.
How could any sincere party ever be expected to re-engage with an entity which seems lacking in values and whose only tools are deception, the use of nameless/faceless detractors, the inclusion of self proclaimed “arch-foes” of The House of Prayer and the shameless repetition of the Sunday World’s lies, defamation and slander?
Many horrific, slanderous and libellous allegations have been made against Christina Gallagher without a shred of evidence or proof. We would be interested if the people making such accusations were brought to us - to investigate where these accusations are coming from...
Not alone is it painful to know the depth of these offenses - in fact, it is a crime punishable in law and where formal counter action does have to be taken. It is distressing that such very serious criminal accusations are made based on rumour or hearsay. When confronted they personally WILL have to provide solid proof or face the consequences. It is more distressing to see the purveyors of such accusations pretend to have also religious motives.
Concerning the attak on the House of Prayer Achill
Also we would like to restate a few matters concerning The House of Prayer Achill itself.
The House is open every day to visitors and for people wishing to spend some quiet time in prayer or participate in the daily prayers recited there.
It is open to EVERYONE.
The affairs and accounts of The House of Prayer are totally separate from any personality and have always been properly administered and transparent to Dept of Revenue etc.
At the House of Prayer helpers, volunteers, directors, advisors etc come and go of their own free will…just as the normal dynamics of such in any well-run operation.
The House exists and is funded from the sale of religious articles and from donations received. There is no membership and no collections have ever been taken up in the Chapel.

Why are there such ongoing attacks upon Christina and her Spirtual Director, Fr Gerard McGinnity, Rev Dr Gerard McGinnity
It would seem clear that the active enemies of The House of Prayer are very small in number. With the exception of 5 individuals, the few others have always sought to be nameless and faceless…and the publications by The Sunday World and Michael Garde would always be to give each of these multiple identities to create an impression of “many”.
A key tactic is increasingly to vilify and destroy the character of Fr McGinnity. This consists of stalking, mockery and defamation, spread by an individual (M.Garde) described by TV3 as a 'so called' cult expert (!), who is not himself a Catholic, yet wishes to portray his efforts as “protecting” the Catholic Church. His obnoxious comments mock the prayers of our faith and the sacramentals we hold so dear. He tries to create scenarios of division and disobedience where none exists. His latest ploys are to ridicule the content of messages given to Christina, yet those messages which we see being fulfilled on a daily basis are -as occurred in Fatima, Pontmain, Banneux, La Salette and other places - the warning of future events given us by Our Lady.
Even in the days when The Soviet Republic and Communism dominated much of Europe and the world from 1917-1990, the newspapers there had decency and standards that would put The Sunday World to shame.
Need we say more?
We say to those of you, from any part of the world, who read this true account of the campaign of vilification and injustice being shamelessly waged against Christina Gallagher and her mission, and the resulting danger to her life which it brings…we would be grateful for your opinions and efforts to enable us deal appropriately with it….Or do we have to wait until she is killed before any relevant justice authority investigates? Any fair-minded person can see the wrongdoing and the dangers ensuing, but no-one is seen to take any appropriate steps to confront such naked hatred and incitement which is against the laws of every civilised society and makes a farce of the Irish Constitution which states “every citizen is entitled to their good name and to their religious beliefs”.
Even among pagans and savages, one finds compassion, gentleness, honesty, decency and truthfulness.
The only traits we can identify in the tactics, publications and character of those seeking to destroy Christina Gallagher are mockery, lies, falsehood, coldness, lack of compassion, disregard for truth, ego and an insatiable hatred with lust to cause any level of pain at any price.
Such seems to be what the Sunday World desires…while Michael Garde and Jim Gallagher of the Sunday World follow gleefully.
It is regrettable that some unsuspecting Catholic schools permit…and even pay (!) Michael Garde to be allowed to address vulnerable youngsters and to peddle his misconceptions and prejudices. He is supported by a charitable trust, yet invites funds while also charging a fee to address classes of schoolchildren.
Perhaps some influential body may review this practice given the individual's crude tactics and lack of credentials.
His inability to make the most basic distinction between a cult and the prayers of the Catholic Church says it all.
Despite the attacks of Jim Gallagher and Michael Garde via the Sunday World and despite the efforts of the tv3 programme, Saturday October 1 was a day of tremendous joy at the House of Prayer which was filled to capacity together with the surrounding areas. Several hundred young people from all over Ireland including many hundreds of people who attend weekly gathered to celebrate a most inspiring Day for Youth. The propaganda failed to inflict the damage its perpetrators intended but it only proves the strength of the Hand of God which is greater than the lies and deception traded through the tabloid attacks.

Response to Attacks on Fr McGinnity
Response to Attacks on Fr McGinnity
As for the despicable attack on Fr.McGinnity, we would point out that to recognise it for what it is -contrived, envious and malicious- one has only to recall his heroic stance as a 'whistleblower' to the inner Church authority while in the prestigious post of Senior Dean of the National Seminary, Maynooth. As a doctor of theology, spiritual author and well-known retreat director for priests and religious he was responsible for priestly formation there. His courageous approach to the bishops to ensure protection for seminarians who reported concerns to him in relation to another member of staff, were met with his dismissal from the prominent position he held and his being sent off to a remote assignment- a punitive manoeuvre which carried a loss of reputation. Meanwhile the staff-member reported was promoted by the bishops as president and a short time later resigned through having to make a financial settlement with a young student (in an arrangement not admitting liability).
The outrageous treatment inflicted upon Fr.McGinnity by Church authority became widespread knowledge through The Ferns Inquiry and its subsequent report. However, as came out in all the newspapers, his demotion and humiliation by the Church did not end there. Not only did he receive no apology for the destruction of his life by the bishops' action but the humiliation actually persisted -even seeking, fifteen years subsequently, to obstruct his appointment as parish priest and have him assigned, if possible, at the level of curate. This endeavour did not succeed. Yet the demotion of Fr.McGinnity within the Church together with the attacks permitted outside the Church sadly indicate that the Church has done nothing to uphold him.
The resentment such a good man continues to face now -in this case from a handful of belligerent laity- surely only proves his holiness at a greater level. Those who ever see him in the depths of prayer and Mass can recognise this reality. If those who slander him knew even the first thing about spirituality, they would recognise his holiness. Two members of his family have been healed of cancer through the mission of Christina Gallagher. When the authority of such a person as Fr.McGinnity is questioned and resented, despite a lifetime of endurance for upholding truth so powerfully to the bishops of the Church- a truth subsequently authenticated and confirmed by the state enquiry - it raises interesting questions about what is driving this attack.
Attacks Upon Spiritual Mission of Christina Gallagher by Rev Dr Gerard McGinnity
Attacks Upon Spiritual Mission of Christina Gallagher" by Rev Dr Gerard McGinnity
In regard to the matter of attacks upon spiritual missions, research remarkably shows that the more powerful the work, the greater the attack. Studying the lives of the mystics who lived throughout the centuries of Church history, I have been invariably struck by this fact that the more significant the work given them to accomplish, the more extreme the attack upon it and upon them. Even to refer to some out of such a large number, we find such remarkable resemblances to the gratuitous attacks upon Christina...
In Cathleen Medwick's well-known biography (1999) entitled Teresa of Avila: The Progress of a Soul , we read that when Teresa of Avila was pressing onwith the establishment of the houses of her foundation in Spain, she had left Villanueva after working hard to transform a hermitage into something resembling a convent and with her companions was passing through a small town where they stopped to visit the church. Teresa's fame had gone before her -but not the truth about her, rather a poisonous defamation of her character. The townspeople were incited to hatred: they were outraged that she presumed to enter their church and they were becoming increasingly violent when Antonio (one of the men who was helping her) fended them off, allowing Teresa to reach her coach. Soon after she arrived at Toledo on that journey, she became seriously ill.
When Pope Benedict was canonising Mary McKillop in Rome on October 17, 2010, how many people realised that during her earthly lifetime, as she went about establishing the houses for her mission in Australia, she was actually excommunicated by Bishop Sheil of Adelaide on September 22, 1871? In his biography Blessed Mary MacKillop A Woman Before Her Time, a priest of the diocese of Adelaide, Fr.Modystack wrote in 1982, "It was sad that the sick Bishop had had his mind so poisoned by the malicious tongues of those who were supposed to be loyal, honest people that he should have reacted so unreasonably towards the Sisters" (page 62) (He accused her of disobedience when she could not accept his making himself superior and changing their rule as he chose. She was canonically entitled not to accept this imposition but he wronged her and expelled 43 sisters from his diocese when they chose not to accept the imposition. The following year, on his death-bed the bishop repented and withdrew the excommunication.). In his preface to the biography Archbishop James Gleeson of Adelaide remarks of his predecessors in that era (ie. bishop and priest-advisors), "It is even more difficult for us to understand how they could seemingly be so unjust and outrageous in their judgements and actions towards Mary MacKillop...
In his biography of Padre Pio (Padre Pio - Man of Hope, 2000, p.93) , Renzo Allegri remarks, "There is no doubt that Padre Pio suffered persecution during his entire life. He was defamed by vulgar accusations and accused of being a vile swindler. He died wihout ever having been officially rehabilitated." He goes on to quote a homily of Cardinal Giacomo Lecaro commemorating Padre Pio after he had died. The Cardinal said, "Padre Pio's resemblance to Christ shines out mainly in his suffering... In times of intense persecution (his world) was like the world of a prisoner... His life was a passion and the similarities to the suffering of our Saviour are all too evident, beginning with the unbelief and persecution of those who could have and should have been able to understand. Unfortunately, these poor souls, who felt threatened by such a pure and holy man, found a ready audience when they denounced the humble monk as a hypocritical exhibitionist, and denounced the charismatic gifts that evoked so much faith from his followers as deceptive and fraudulent."
At least Christina, as she is subjected to the same vituperative treatment, is 'in good company', although she would never dream of considering herself worthy of sharing his rank.
Biographers of John Vianney such as Fr. Francis Trochu in his The Cure D'ARS when describing how he too was unjustly persecuted by way of slander and false accusation, notes how the works used to draw back souls in the greatest danger are sometimes "allowed by God to become victims of the vilest calumnies". He describes how "John Vianney's front door was splashed with dirt and night after night, under his windows stood a miserable creature insulting and reproaching him as if he had been guilty of leading a disorderly life. Apparently, he was to be spared no humiliation, no anguish of mind. Anonymous letters, full of venom were sent to his bishop... Not surprising that towards the end of his life, he one day remarked, 'If on my arrival at Ars I had foreseen all that I was to suffer there, I would have died on the spot!'"

God cannot bring about enormous miracles such as giving back life to a child medically certified dead in the womb,healing cancer of the pancreas, thyroid gland, liver,stomach,bladder,lung,breast,tongue and mouth, leukemia,rheumatoid arthritis, brain tumor, brain haemmorage, brain death, heart failure, multiple sclerosis, blindness, chronic asthma and countless other conditions leading to over 700 testimonies, including psychiatric and nevous healings, conversions, vocations to religious life and priesthood drawing such abundant fruitfuless from a tree that is not good! As Jesus says in the Gospel, "A bad tree cannot produce good fruit and a good tree cannot produce bad fruit. By their fruits you shall know them".
Related Links:
Medically Inexplicable healings :
•The healing and conversion of John Garbutt at the House of Prayer in Achill
•The Healing of Kathleen O'Sullivan of pancreatic cancer after prayers with Christina Gallagher and Fr Gerard McGinnity at the House of Prayer in Achill
•Doctor Says 'A Miracle' - The Healing of Jed Michael after meeting with Christina Gallagher
•Hundreds of Conversions through Achill House of Prayer, prayers of Christina Gallagher and Fr Gerard McGinnity, and the matrix medal
•Hundreds of Healings - Achill House of Prayer, and Christina Gallagher's mission
Christina and the Church :
•'Why I Believe' by Fr Gerard McGinnity Ph D
•'Proof Beyond Doubt' by Fr Richard Foley SJ

The Very Rev Fr Gerard McGinnity PhD is the spiritual director of Christina Gallagher.
Biography of Fr Gerard McGinnity
Written and published by the people who freely attend prayers at the House of Prayer Achill.
